at the same time, however, i don't give two thoughts to saying when i think another man isn't bad to look at. ant even jokes around about it occasionally referring to a certain actor as "your boy." i suppose this just displays the differences in men and women. and while i don't think it is a sin to say, "s/he is attractive," there is a point when it can become sinful - comparing your spouse to another person and/or fantasizing (sexually or not) about someone other than your spouse is sinful.
recently i've heard a few women (women who proclaim Christ as Savior) say they are looking forward to june 29th. channing tatum has a new movie coming out that day. maybe you've heard of it - magic mike. channing tatum is a handsome man. there is nothing wrong with saying that. this new movie, though, goes a bit beyond merely saying he's attractive. magic mike is a movie about male strippers. now, i don't know about you ladies but if my husband told me he was looking forward to seeing a movie about strippers i'd be a tad ticked. there is no need for my husband to see any other woman besides me naked or partially naked. the same is true for us. we have no business looking at any man other than our husbands in various states of undress.
you say, "my husband doesn't mind if i see the movie." well, he should, but even if he doesn't God does.
"But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Matthew 5:28
that verse works both ways, girls, and it applies to the married and unmarried alike. while it is possible to notice a man's good looks without lusting after him, my guess is that when you watch channing tatum disrobing you won't be thinking, "he is such a handsome man. i bet he is sweet and kind and a great listener. i bet he loves Jesus."
this flesh is sinful. this flesh wants to see muscle-y men taking their clothes off. this flesh and this world tell us that it is no big deal to go watch a movie about strippers - it's not hurting anyone; i'm not actually having an affair with another man. every single day is a fight against what pleases this flesh and what pleases God. if we feed the flesh we will get nothing but disappointment and heartache in return.
"For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life." Galatians 6:8
if we nurture our relationships with God, it will be oh so much easier to fight the flesh. of course, we will never reach sinlessness on this earth. but it should be our goal. we should strive to live a life pleasing to the One who saved our souls. we will fail, but we should keep trying. we know that there are things in this world that are not pleasing to God. we know that there are things we can do that may seem harmless but that will not be an accurate reflection of the Savior who lives in our hearts.
what we do for entertainment affects not only our own relationships with God but the relationships others have/will have with God. it may not seem like watching a movie will really affect the salvation of someone else, but we are walking mirrors of the Savior. if we do something contrary to His character, it does affect how unbelievers view Him. when making decisions about books to read, music to listen to, or movies to watch the Lord has given us a great checklist to put everything through:
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Philippians 4:8
does magic mike make the cut after putting it through that checklist? i see decisions for entertainment i've made that do not pass the above test. i'm thankful for a Heavenly Father who doesn't leave us in our sin but points it out and helps us to not repeat it.
i hope that when you are deciding to see any movie or read any book or listen to any music you will think about a couple of things: 1) is it honoring to my husband if i do this 2) will unbelievers see an accurate reflection of Jesus if i do this and most importantly 3) is it honoring to my God if i do this?